Online currency trading service in the UK and Europe

By Admin on 06:55

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Forex com’s user-friendly use enables business to traffic a world’s vital currencies, together with a British Pound, Euro as good as U.S. Dollar, as good as bullion as good as silver, twenty-four hours a day, 5 days a week.

Glenn Stevens, CEO, GAIN Capital, comments: “Forex is a trader’s market, as good as sell investors around a universe have been increasingly wakeful of all this marketplace has to offer. has determined a clever care upon all sides in a United States as good as you hold a use will be well-received by traders in a UK as good as European markets seeking for a well-capitalized organisation which offers reward traffic collection as good as research, rival pricing and, of course, a plain reputation.”

Matthew Wright, Regional Director, UK, adds: “As a outcome of a monetary crisis, sell investors have mislaid conviction in a batch markets as good as have been unfortunate with low seductiveness rates upon savings. In lieu of normal investments, investigate shows sell investors have been increasingly seeking during pick item classes such as forex as an event to beget certain returns.”

Forex is a many traded marketplace in a world, with a every day volume which exceeds $3.2 trillion, according to a Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Forex traffic is a single of a fastest flourishing areas of traffic between sell investors, according to Aite Group, an eccentric monetary services investigate firm. By a finish of 2007, normal every day traffic volume in a sell forex marketplace reached $77 billion, an enlarge of 670% over 2001. Aite Group estimates sell forex every day traffic volume will strech $110 billion by 20091.


By Admin on 06:47

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In finance, the exchange rates (also known as the foreign-exchange rate, forex rate or FX rate) between two currencies specifies how much one currency is worth in terms of the other. It is the value of a foreign nation’s currency in terms of the home nation’s currency.[1] For example an exchange rate of 102 Japanese yen (JPY, ¥) to the United States dollar (USD, $) means that JPY 102 is worth the same as USD 1. The foreign exchange market is one of the largest markets in the world. By some estimates, about 3.2 trillion USD worth of currency changes hands every day.
The spot exchange rate refers to the current exchange rate. The forward exchange rate refers to an exchange rate that is quoted and traded today but for delivery and payment on a specific futur[edit] Quotations
An exchange system quotation is given by stating the number of units of "term currency" (or "price currency" or "quote currency") that can be bought in terms of 1 "unit currency" (also called "base currency"). For example, in a quotation that says the EURUSD exchange rate is 1.4320 (1.4320 USD per EUR), the term currency is USD and the base currency is EUR.

How to Trade Currency

By Admin on 06:45

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Illustrated below for the beginner is an example of how to calculate a profit in forex currency trading.

Say for example you believe that the Euro might appreciate in value against the US Dollar in the near future and the current exchange rate is EUR/USD = 1.4210. You then decide to buy 100,000 Euros (1 standard lot).

EUR 1.00 = USD 1.4210
100,000 x 1.4210
Your purchase of 100,000 Euros is US $142,100

At 100:1 leverage your required margin deposit is $1,421


Later on, as expected, the Euro appreciates by 75 pips to EUR/USD = 1.4285. You then decide to sell your Euros and exchange them back into US Dollars.

EUR 1.00 = USD 1.4285
100,000 x 1.4285

You will get: US $142,850

Your profit = ($142,850 - $142,100) = $750

When starting out with forex currency trading it's a good idea to begin with some lower amounts until you have figured out exactly what you're doing as it can be difficult for most beginners. You can always increase the amounts once you gain the experience and skills necessary to make larger trades successfully.

It is also beneficial to take some time to decide what currency pair or pairs you want to trade with. Generally no more than 2 to begin with to allow you ample opportunity to learn how the pairs actually relate to each other and ensure you are able to clearly identify the patterns that they follow. Beginners can increase to more pairs once they have a firm grasp of the basics of forex currency trading.

Beginners of Forex Currency Trading

By Admin on 06:41

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Carry Trade: the purpose is to earn extra income from the daily interest payments when you hold on to a currency pair. Selection of the right currency pair is essential for this to work. You will need to buy the currency with the higher interest rate and sell the currency with the lower interest rate.

Cross Currencies: currency pairs that do not involve the U.S. Dollar.

Long Position: occurs when a trader initially buys currency with the expectation that the currency will increase in price and then selling it later at a higher price.

Short Position:
occurs when a trader initially sells currency with the expectation that the currency will decrease in price and then buying it back later at a cheaper price.

Day Forex System

By Admin on 06:34

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Day Forex System Trading,

What is all the Hype About?

Forex trading is all about making big profits, just tons of money to be totally blunt. As some investors have found, it quite simple to make a vast amount of money since the forex(foreign exchange) market fluctuates daily just like the stock market does. The Forex system is able to be traded online by a private investor such as yourself, or through your bank just as you would be able to invest in a mutual fund or stocks.
Brokers love selling people this at the bank due to the huge commissions.

If you are seriously thinking about getting involved in the Forex markets you should be aware that essentially your money is being invested in foreign countries. The forex market allows you to have your money invested in one country one moment, and another on the next trade all in one market one day. As one countries currency value increases, you can sell at a profit and move it immediately to another country, this is how profits are made as this process is repeated.

Automated Forex Trading

By Admin on 01:05

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World Currency Options

By Admin on 05:27

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I’ve fielded quite a few questions lately about World Currency Options (WCOs), with several different factors driving people’s interest. For some folks, oil’s slide and the emerging-markets drop has gotten them thinking about those markets' relationships to the surprisingly plucky dollar. Others are following the foreign reaction to the now-international financial crisis and wondering about ways they can trade on their predictions. Still other folks are looking for a hedge for dollar-denominated savings or income – or just plain looking for a change-of-pace from one of the craziest equities markets in decades.

Whatever the reason, now seems like a good time to dig into World Currency Options, or WCOs. If you’re developing predictions about where various currencies are headed next, options traders can put those predictions into action immediately – without the hassle of opening a separate futures / currency trading account.

Both the Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) and the International Securities Exchange (ISE)PHLX webinars and ISE webinars, too, for even more detailed trader education. Currencies coverage on Seeking Alpha’s blogger network is also pretty comprehensive.

If you’re already familiar with options, these products will likely be pretty familiar to you, so you can start trading more or less immediately with minimal friction. The key concept to grasp is the answer to this question: how do you translate your currency predictions into a specific WCO play? What does a buying a call or a selling a put in this context mean? The PHLX’s FAQ puts the answer pretty nicely: offer U.S. dollar-settled world currency options, also known as FX options. Both exchanges do a solid job of describing their respective products, so I’d encourage you to check out both the links above for more info. Check out the

forex currency

By Admin on 05:20

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Forex trd

By Admin on 05:18

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Money Transfer

By Admin on 05:14

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Trading Spot Forex

By Admin on 05:12

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The majority of forex traders rely on scientific analysis to trade the markets but fundamental trading, and news trading prominence particular, can exhibit righteous through profitable. In detail a lot of forex traders halt no thing fresh but trade the news. Thence how rap you profit from these news announcements?

Flourishing agreement ‘ s countdown by discussing what we absolutely mean by news announcements leading of all. They are nix to complete smuggle the news on your TV but are specific economic data releases consistent to the economy. These announcements are worth extraordinary attention to thanks to they power retain a dramatic contact on the movement of separate currency pairs.

Since they immediate opportunities to form trading profits if you can interpret these effect. This is a skill mark itself but the heavier you detector how the markets proceed to these announcements, the larger patience you will gratify and the preferable able you will personify to predict longitude the markets will modification.

Perceptible ‘ s decisive to note that some announcements are augmented smash than others, ergo not every data release should substitute habituated equal sense. For exemplification an consequence percentage accommodation will hold a dramatic aftermath on the markets because widespread inventories data, for illustration, will rarely measure the forex markets at all.

Trading Spot Forex

By Admin on 05:02

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Forex Signals Reviewed

By Admin on 02:35

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I started in the FOREX market in June of 2002. With hardly any experience at all, I really did not know what I was getting into, other than I wanted to be a full-time trader making tons of money from home. Little did I know from the start that my lifestyle as I knew it was about to change drastically.

The Problem

I initially began with a demo account and did okay for a month. Throughout the course of a month I managed to compile 23 wins and 2 loses, for a net profit of $1,219. I thought to myself, this is excellent; I am ready to begin with a live account and to trade for myself. Moving from a demo account to a real my psychology was blind sided. I was afraid to trade using the same techniques and trading system I had used to become successful with my demo account. The ending wasn’t pretty. I ended up losing a lot of sleep, $4458 and the only thing I gained was un-wanted stress. Out of cash and with other investments failing, I needed to find something quick that was going to get me where I wanted to be financially.

Forex Grail

By Admin on 02:27

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Start Forex Trade

By Admin on 02:22

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How to get Started forex trade:

Getting started in the forex market is so easy and simple anybody can do it.

Just follow these 4 simple steps and you can start trading the forex market with the robominer in a day or less.

1 - Open an account* with FXDD through FxRebates, to open a live account Click here, for demo accounts skip to step 2.

2- Download the FXDD MT4 platform. Click here.

3- Download the Robominer from the member downloads page at Forex-Goldmine.

4- Put the Robminer ex4 file into the MT4 experts folder. (My Computer - C: Drive - Program Files - FXDD Meta trader 4 - experts)

Trading Forex To Advance Your Financial Position Everyday

By Admin on 02:20

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Everyday, currencies are traded in an international foreign exchange market, otherwise known as the forex market, with the main marketplaces (otherwise known as bourses) existing in the world's financial centes New York, London, Tokyo, Frankfurt and Zurich. Historically, the only way to participate was from the trading floor of one of these bourses, but today, people can trade forex from anywhere through a secure internet connection and a PC.
Today's traders operate in a global network, taking positions in the market and making investment decisions based on either relative value between two currencies, or a particular currency's actual price. Currency value fluctuations are constantly renegotiated through trading activity, and this activity, and the corresponding currency values are also indicators of the levels of currency supply.

Forex Made Easy for Everyone

By Admin on 02:17

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Forex made easy is as simple as you would want it to be. The foreign exchange market is a worldwide market and according to some estimates is almost as big as thirty times the turnover of the US Equity markets. That is some figure to chew on. Forex is the commonly used term for foreign exchange. As a person who wants to invest in the forex market, one should understand the basics of how this currency market operates. Forex can be made easier for beginners to understand it and here's how.

Forex Brokers — Helping to Maximize Your Success

By Admin on 02:15

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A Forex broker is a broker dealing in foreign exchange, just like real estate broker who deals in real estate and properties. Simply, a Forex broker is an advisor who advises you about the forex market. However, the Forex market is not the perfect place to play with as a novice and beginner as there are many criticalities involved along with much risk bearing capacities. Novices can very quickly get their fingers badly burnt. But inexperience is not the only reason to consider using a Forex broker to trade in the high-risk international currencies market.

Investing In Forex

By Admin on 02:10

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Investing in foreign currencies is a relatively new avenue of investing. There are considerably fewer people are aware of this market than there are people aware of several other avenues of investing. Trading foreign currency, also known as forex, is the most lucrative investment market that exists. There are several factors that make this true among which, successful forex traders earn realistic profits of one hundred plus percent each month. Compared to some of the better known investment markets such as corporate stocks, this is an unheard of return on investment. It's very necessary to mention here that a person who invests in forex must, without exception, make it a point to learn the detailed, but simple strategies and information surrounding the market. This very fact is what makes the difference between successful forex traders and other traders.

Getting Started with Mini Forex Trading

By Admin on 01:55

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Mini forex trading was created for new traders entering the forex market. The mini forex account is designed to be one tenth the size of the standard account and the pip value is just $1 per pip. The mini forex account is beneficial for new traders to improve their forex trading skills while being exposed to less financial risk on the market.Success in the forex market and becoming a profitable trader depends on a lot of practice and experience. It is still essential to practice first with the demo tradingsoftware to enable you to get comfortable with the trading platform and to get a feel of the real market. Once you get an idea of what to expect in the forex market, it is wise that you should open a mini forex trading account. Now you are dealing with real money.

Although you might risk losing real money, mini forex trading accounts only requires a small investment of money. It can also give you a small amount of profit. The key to mini forex trading is to enhance your skills until you are ready to trade with the big traders.

A Primer on the Forex Market

By Admin on 01:50

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With the increasingly widespread availability of electronic trading networks, trading on the currency exchanges is now more accessible than ever. The foreign exchange market, or forex, is notoriously the domain of government central banks and commercial and investment banks, not to mention hedge funds and massive international corporations. At first glance, the presence of such heavyweight entities may appear rather daunting to the individual investor. But the presence of such powerful groups and such a massive international market can also work to the benefit of the individual trader. The forex offers trading 24-hours a day, five days a week, and the daily dollar volume of currencies traded in the currency market exceeded $3 trillion in 2007 (according to the 2007 Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivative Market Activity), making it the largest and most liquid market in the world.

Canadian currency

By Admin on 01:48

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Today an increasing number of small investors are able to participate in the foreign exchange markets and benefit from the profits to be made as the prices of national currencies rise and fall against one another. In general however the private forex trader does not himself trade in large sums of money but is able to trade by working through brokers who are themselves major players in the market.

NASDAQ Today's Market Stats

By Admin on 01:40

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By Admin on 07:04

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Forex or Foreign Exchange market is the largest financial market in the world. This market has a daily average turnover of US$1.9 trillion dollars a day which is greater than the combined volume of all U.S. equity markets.

Forex Signal

By Admin on 07:53

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